Customize layouts & components

These modifiers are classes you can use with shortcodes to customize the look and feel of your layouts and components.

grid-22 columns
grid-33 columns
grid-44 columns
mt-11.5rem top margin
mt-23rem top margin
mt-34.5rem top margin
mt-46rem top margin

use pt-1 ~ pt-4 for top padding

mb-11.5rem bottom margin
mb-23rem bottom margin
mb-34.5rem bottom margin
mb-46rem bottom margin

use pb-1 ~ pb-4 for bottom padding

Under params add enableDarkMode = false to your hugo.toml file. If your site is based on the exampleSite, the value is already included; you only need to uncomment it.

The user will still have the option to activate dark mode, if they so wish through the UI

If the theme is a git submodule, you can copy the file assets/sass/_variables.sass from the theme into your own site. The location must be exactly the same as in the theme, so put it in YourFancySite/assets/sass/. You can then edit the file to customize the theme color in your site without having to modify the theme itself.

Just put the following line in the [params] section in your hugo.toml file (and of course change the color):

1metaThemeColor = "#123456"

Use hooks. Ideally, you should not override the them directly.

Instead, you should duplicate these files at the root of you site directory.

  1. layouts/partials/hooks/head.html
  2. layouts/partials/hooks/scripts.html

The contents of the first file will be attached just before the </head> tag.

The contents of the second file will be attached just before the </body> tag.

Alternatively, if you want to use the hugo.toml to track your custom styles or scripts, declare them as slices under [params] like so:

3customCSS = [styleURL1, styleURL2 ...]
4customJS = [scriptURL1, scriptURL2 ... ]

Add custom SASS and JS via this custom SASS file and this custom JavaScript file.

Your favicons should be stored inside static/favicons directory.

Here are some of the favicon files that you should have in that folder:

├── android-chrome-192x192.png
├── android-chrome-512x512.png
├── apple-touch-icon.png
├── favicon-16x16.png
├── favicon-32x32.png
├── favicon.ico
└── site.webmanifest

We recommend you consider using this tool while generating your favicons.